First Christian Church

Medford, Oregon
(Disciples of Christ)
Registration 11:15-1:30
Mar. 3: M-Z
Mar: 10: A-L
Mar. 17: M-Z
Mar. 24: A-L
Mar. 31: M-Z
Who We Are
Medford First Christian Church is a community
committed to love, acceptance and spiritual growth.
We Are... A community that loves to celebrate God through joyful worship, music of all kinds and fellowship.
We Are... Students of the gospel who push ourselves to ask hard questions that may not always have convenient answers.
We Are... A hard-working people who endeavors to serve God by serving our neighbors, particularly with food scarcity issues.
We Are... An Open and Affirming congregation which means we welcome and affirm all people including, but not limited to, those in the GLBTQ+ community.
10:30 Worship every week open to all at 1900 Crater Lake Avenue, Medford
Sundays at 10:30 a.m.
Contact Us
Make a Donation
First Christian Church (Disciples of Christ)
1900 Crater Lake Avenue
Medford, OR 97504
(541) 772-8030
Sunday Worship is at 10:30 a.m.
Contact Us
Medford Korean Church
Asemblea Apostolica
Pastor Oscar Lepe • 503-990-2125