First Christian Church

Medford, Oregon
(Disciples of Christ)
Registration 11:15-1:30
Mar. 3: M-Z
Mar: 10: A-L
Mar. 17: M-Z
Mar. 24: A-L
Mar. 31: M-Z
Church Staff
Rev. Stacy Shelton, Minister
Stacy was ordained by the Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) in May of 2000. She comes to us from Ione Community Church, in rural eastern Oregon, where she served as the pastor for nine years. Before that she worked as an associate minister at Murray Hills Christian Church in Beaverton, OR. She has also worked as a summer intern at the Yakama Christian Mission in White Swan, WA and later served on their advisory board.
She has worked as a volunteer with the regional church over the years by serving on various committees and by counseling and directing at youth church camps each summer. She is currently employed part-time by the regional church as their Communications Associate as well as the Camp Coordinator for Oregon Camps.
In 2023 Stacy began a Doctor of Ministry program at the Pacific School of Religion. Her doctoral project centers around the concept of the post-modern church acting as a community service center.
Stacy has a daughter, Lily, who is currently in 10th grade. Stacy enjoys singing, knitting, reading, spending time with family and walking her two little dogs.
The foundation of Stacy's theology is that God is love and she strives everyday to bring that love to the world while inviting others to join her on that journey.
Sundays at 10:30 a.m.
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Medford Korean Church
Asemblea Apostolica
Pastor Oscar Lepe • 503-990-2125