First Christian Church

Medford, Oregon
(Disciples of Christ)
Registration 11:15-1:30
Mar. 3: M-Z
Mar: 10: A-L
Mar. 17: M-Z
Mar. 24: A-L
Mar. 31: M-Z
Nesting Churches
MFCC has chosen to share its facilities with two other congregations as well as a host of community groups. During the week, the Korean Presbyterian Church, and the Asemblea Apostolica (Pastor Oscar Lepe), each gather for worship and study as independent churches. We come together from time to time for intercultural potluck dinners to learn more about the ways each culture adds to the fabric of the whole. It is, for us, a recognition that our unity in Christ is bigger than our cultural differences. You can reach either at:
Korean Presbyterian Church:
Asemblea Apostolica (Pastor Oscar Lepe): 503-990-2125
Sundays at 10:30 a.m.
Contact Us
First Christian Church
1900 Crater Lake Avenue
Medford, OR 97504
(541) 772-8030
Make a Donation
First Christian Church (Disciples of Christ)
1900 Crater Lake Avenue
Medford, OR 97504
(541) 772-8030
Sunday Worship is at 10:30 a.m.
Contact Us
Medford Korean Church
Asemblea Apostolica
Pastor Oscar Lepe • 503-990-2125